High Impact Transitions Resources

About Questage | High Impact Transitions Resources
High Impact Transitions Resources2023-06-16T00:10:40+00:00


Allan Milham, Master Certified Coach featured on Catalyst

Featured on Entrepreneurs Over 40

Allan Milham, Master Certified Coach featured on Catalyst

Featured on Smart Retirement

Blog Posts

  • Questage | How to Rock Your Third Act of Life | For Leaders At Every Stage

Forget the Rocking Chair— Rock Your Third Act of Life

Today’s fifty-, sixty- and seventy-year-old want to remain relevant and continue to lead in their lives while they explore new possibilities as well as travel and enjoy family time. The question is: How do they find that balance? How do they plan and execute in a way that makes all this possible?

  • It's time to turn inward during your third act of life and find peace

Nearing Your Third Act of Life? It’s Time to Turn Inward

For most of your career, your schedule has been jam-packed with 50-plus-hour weeks and a “to-do” list that seemed endless. Every morning, you hit the accelerator, laser focused on the problems of the day, and you pushed hard. It wasn’t easy, but your willingness to move forward and do—when others only tried—helped you reach the level of success you enjoy today.

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